Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A Simple Workout

If any of you know me, you know that I am into weight lifting and exercise. The other day my little brother was hounding me to send him an email with a simple workout for him to start doing. I knew was going to be hard to try and explain everything to him, form, technique and the proper weight to use. In the email that I sent him. I included videos from YouTube to show him the proper methods of weight lifting form the pros. The following is that email with links to videos for any of the aspiring weight lifters:

OK man here is the email that i promised i would send you. I wanted to be able to show you all these workouts but i thought instead of linking some videos that show you the workouts. I will start with the chest:
the first workout on the video is the seated bench press. It allows for more strict form. Go with a wide grip on the handles. Second workout is the incline press. Go shoulder width apart or a little wider. Third is the incline dumbbell press and i showed you how to use this. Fourth is the cable extensions. Just follow the example on the video.
First workout is a straight bar or rope pull down. Watch his form and notice that he doesn't bring the bar up all the way only to about his chest line. Second workout is a behind the head triceps extension. Only use about 10 pounds on the one OK. Watch his form before you do it. i know on the video he does close grip bench press but i would tell you to do the rope instead, the normal rope exercise.
Bicep: same video as triceps. First is a cable curl. Watch his form and do not do a lot of weight. It is more about the form than the weight. Second is the preacher curl. On the bench using free weight or the gym has a machine for you to use. Third is the seated alternating curl. Use lighter weight here to promote a pump in your arm OK, just watch his form.
Shoulders: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXGH64vzDXc First is the seated barbell military press. Watch his form and do not use a lot of weight. Second is the dumbbell upright row. You can do this with a bar if you want. It works the middle and inner deltoids. The third is the reverse peck deck machine for your rear delt. It is upstairs by the drinking fountain at the gym. Watch their form OK use little amounts of weight casue this one is hard. the last one on the video don't do OK. but you could front raises with dumbbells for your front delts.
Back: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVa0sucnHS8&feature=fvw The first is a simple pull up. You can use the machine to do this also. Second is a close grip pull up so grab the handle in the middle about shoulder width apart and do the exercise. Third is the barbell row. Watch his form and do not use a lot of weight at first. This hits your blades and middle back. Fourth is the one arm upright row. Try not to move or dip your shoulder at all while doing this. Use enough weight that it hurts by the end of three sets.Fifth is the dead lift