Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Vitrual World Comments

This article was one that I found very entertaining to read and at the same time I found myself questioning the reasons behind the article. There were a lot of questions that i thought about as I read the article. First, is our society coming to the point that we really need a virtual escape such as this? Second, how do the creators of this virtual world account for every one's individual likes and dislikes? It seemed like this "game" was an out for this person. If that is the case, what is he missing in real life while he is living his virtual life. Is he or she neglecting responsibilities at home or work? These were just some of my thoughts as I read this article. Here is the link to this article if you would like to read it and examine it for yourself. http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9F06E3D8133FF930A35752C1A9609C8B63&sec=travel&spon=&pagewanted=2